In this week's post, we sat down with sweepstakes winner, and Batcaddy Community member, Robert Lodovici, to learn more about what drives his passion for the golf, highlight of the summer, getting hooked on golf at 17 years old, and striving for better 55 years later. We really enjoyed getting to know Mr. Lodovici, and we hope you do as well.
First off – Congratulations! What was your reaction when notified?
Excited and surprised. I was skeptical at first because I get a lot emails saying I won this or that. When I found out it was legit I was overwhelmed.
How long you've been playing golf?
For about 55 years. I started when I was 17 years old and got addicted immediately.
How did you get introduced to the game?
Probably from watching it on TV. None of my family or friends played. My friend had a couple of clubs his father gave him and we used to go to a field and hit balls… The game came natural to me so it was fun and competitive. 55 years later, I'm glad I was introduced to it back when.
What drives your passion for the game of golf?
I guess there a few things: Personal growth, lifelong friendships and relationships you develop on the golf course, and of course hitting that perfect shot that gives you that personal satisfaction. And always knowing that no matter how good you play, you know you could do better next time.
When did you begin using Batcaddy?
6 years ago. After I retired I was playing a lot of golf and saw someone using an electric cart, it sparked my interest and the rest is history. I looked into all the units available and decided the Batcaddy was the best one.
What influenced you to make the move from riding to walking?
I used to caddy in my younger days so walking and carrying my clubs was no problem with the Batcaddy. It sure has made the game more fun, not to mention the exercise you get walking 3 to 5 miles. And of course saving a few dollars by not renting a riding cart.
How many rounds of golf are you walking per week?
Between 3 to 4 times a week. There are weeks when I play 5 to 6 times.
If there's one driving factor that separates walking golf from riding, what would that be?
Walking will help you stay loose and gives you the chance to stretch between shots. Plus, more time to enjoy that perfect shot you just hit.
Fondest golf memory this summer?
Playing with my two daughters and watching them get excited when they hit that perfect shot or make that 30 foot putt.
Closing question – Top course you would like to walk and why?
I've played a lot of the top golf courses in the country but I've never played Augusta National. I watch the Masters every year; It would be great to walk the course and see where all those memorable shots were hit.
Mark Twain once said,
"Golf is a good walk spoiled."
I hope me and my Batcaddy are spoiled for the rest of my life.
-Robert Lodovici
1 comment
Congrats on winning the Bat Caddy ! I love mine…jealous !